Nokomis is having a See's Candies Fundraising! February 18th - March 24th

February 18 - March 24

Thermometer Goal

Click on the QR code to place an online order!

Online orders will be delivered to your house!



Nokomis PTO has set a goal of selling 5,000! Help us reach our goal by selling candies to your family and friends. Click on the link to start your order process! Online orders are delivered to your home address and right away! Or get yours by ordering your student through the catalog! There will be a pizza party, by grade level, for the classes that raise the most money! The countdown has started! The last day to turn in your order forms is March 24th!

Make checks payable to, Nokomis PTO!




Order Forms

Order forms and money collected will be due by Monday, March 24th

Orders must be picked up in the office from April 16th-18th.




Thank you for supporting Nokomis PTO!