Please join us at our PTO meetings.

We cordially invite you to our monthly PTO. Next meeting will be on

Tuesday, March 25th at 5:00pm

Hybrid: Rm 13 and online.

We hope to see you then!

Click on the link to join us:

PTO Officers:
President: Melissa Smilgys
Vice-President: Melissa Bergmann
Secretary: Heather Thompson
Treasure: Nicholas Smilgys

This year PTO will meet in person in Rm 13 and online.

on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:00pm.

Dates: August 27, September 17, October 22, November 19,

December 17, January 28,February 25, March 25, April 22, May 27


The PTO is a team of teachers, staff, and parent volunteers collaborating to create and maintain engaging school-wide events and important fundraisers. 


If you are interested in joining this awesome team, we would love for you to join us!


Join PTO